What have I been up to lately?....
I've been shopping, shopping, sleeping, eating, buying makeup and trying to better my skills ;)
Hopefully soon I'll get back into youtube videos myself. I feel a bit more confident now in my ability to pull off different looks, since I wear makeup a lot more now that I'm confident in applying it etc. One other thing that has made me not want to make more videos is the lighting, I feel like I look like a ghost ! lol So I'm trying to figure that out. I feel like if I'm going to start making them again I need to do it properly. Good sound, lighting and obviously a video worth watching right? lol
I'm going to start off with looks I wear.. so keep posted :)
ohhh let me show you some new Mac products I got recently, can't wait to wear these on a night out and see how my skin comes up in photos :)
I got three things...
Face and body foundation C7
Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation in C8 (The lovely MAC lady says C8 in studio fix matches the C7 in face and body, I was like I believe you :D haha)
Bronzing Powder
This looks really orange/yellow because of the flash ! |
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day :) <3